The Incident

On a ride with on March 3, 2007, nine of us were lined up at the toll booth to get to Fort Desoto park, the front person paying for all of us.

Well, the operator let half the group through and the gate started to come down right behind one of the girls. He put it back up and as the last two were right at the gate it came down on us! The rider beside me was on the outside and ducked and swerved I was on the inside and ducked and dropped, fell on the 2' curb scratched up my fairings, mirror and cracked the screen. Also scraped and bruised my shin, but I was fine. The toll people called the police and paramedics and it turned into a big ordeal, but they did say that I can get the city to pay for repairs.

Here is a video of the incident, hard to see what happens, but clear that I went down! TOLL BOOTH VIDEO

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